Meaningful Work
Image by Eneas.

Creating Value, Meaning and Accountability

Meaningful Work

Value grows from doing things that matter.

The human soul is driven largely by its quest for meaning; it’s a big part of what makes us tick. When we “throw our heart and soul” into the work of an organization, we do so for reasons that go well beyond simple financial considerations. The organizations that understand how to engage us at that level are able to move mountains.

This kind of soulful connection to our work generates a deep sense of ownership and accountability for what we do. Soulful companies purposefully extend this meaning and accountability to employees, customers, partners, investors and other important stakeholders. In so doing, they create a community of shared meaning; one that builds tremendous economic and social value.


Featured Articles on Creating Value, Meaning and Accountability:



The Divine Right of Capital

The Divine Right of Capital

The Divine Right of Capital, by Marjorie Kelly is one of those mind-opening books that deserves to be read by a large audience. It represents a dramatic rethink of the corporation and asks some very hard questions about the nature of capitalism as we practice today. In this post, I summarize each chapter with the permission of the author, in the hope you’ll go out an read this important book.

How's that fair?Fairness

It is time to find a richer understanding of fairness; one that incorporates both its libertarian and egalitarian sensibilities. The dynamics of libertarian and egalitarian fairness are what built this country. It is what made us great – and it is one of the keys to returning us to that greatness.


“Thick Value” Looks Like a Carpet to Me

When companies deliver goods and services that truly leave the world better off, that’s “thick value.” That means creating real economic value; not simply capturing it from customers or suppliers, but genuinely making everyone better off.

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Working Spiderman image by Eneas. Thank you.




  1. Did you write “Creating Value, Meaning, and Accountability” just for me? I suppose not…but it’s a great summation of how I used to feel about my work, what changed, and why I’m leaving…  Can’t wait to read more. Thanks!

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