Tag Archives: social networks

Fixing the Google+ Engagement Problem

Google has a real problem with Google+ engagement - especially with new users. Here are some ideas on how to address the situation.

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We Are The Filter Bubble

Computer algorithms aren't the only thing contributing to the "Internet Filter Bubble." Who we choose to connect with in our social networks deeply affects who is "curating" the content we consume. Here's why diversity in your social network matters.

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Place-Based Networks: A New Kind of Social Network

Place-Based Networks are mobile social networks that help you connect with other people based on your shared interest in a place.

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Google+ Hints at a Social Media Marketing Revolution

Google+ pushes better engagement with "permission marketing" principles.

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Four Ways to Improve Our Online Emotional Intelligence

It's one of the great tragedies of modern life that our amazing capacity for emotional intelligence gets short-circuited online. We need software that helps us not only retain, but augment our online emotional intelligence. Here are four areas to focus on and a plea for injecting anthropology into our software development process.

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Making Social CRM “Friend Discovery” Real

This is Going to Take Some Work...

“Friend Discovery” is a new idea for Social CRM that connects the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database in an organization with the social networks of its customers and other stakeholders. This post goes into (even more) detail than my original one, “How Social CRM ‘Friend Discovery’ will Revolutionize the Way Organizations Collaborate.” You’ll want to read that one and possibly ...

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Twitter’s Golden Egg

"Information networker" describes a group of people whose work centers on creating and connecting information. Today the lines between information creation and distribution have blurred. Twitter is a social network application used by information networkers to distribute ideas and build their influence online. In using Twitter for this purpose, information networkers also happen to build a very valuable real time information network that's used by a much larger pool of people.

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Bridging Weak and Strong Ties

When it comes to social change, the problem with online social networking tools has less to do with the tools themselves - and more to do with how organizations fail to connect their social network organizing with their efforts to deepen their relationships with people. A healthy mix of weak-tie and strong-tie connections and the processes for moving people from the former to the latter is the essence of the Engagement Pyramid and it’s what Malcolm Gladwell is missing in his critique of social networking tools.

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