Tag Archives: Google

Fixing the Google+ Engagement Problem

Google has a real problem with Google+ engagement - especially with new users. Here are some ideas on how to address the situation.

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Testing the Wisdom of Crowds

When we help people aggregate their wisdom in independent, diverse and decentralized ways, the resulting "wisdom of crowds" can be uncannily accurate.

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We Are The Filter Bubble

Computer algorithms aren't the only thing contributing to the "Internet Filter Bubble." Who we choose to connect with in our social networks deeply affects who is "curating" the content we consume. Here's why diversity in your social network matters.

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What is Google Plus? (really.)

Some slides on why I believe Google+ is important: Shared interest graph View more presentations from gideonro These were originally posted on Google+, where there is a pretty heavy amount of discussion about them. You’ll have no problem viewing them even if you don’t have an account there (yet).  😉  

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Place-Based Networks: A New Kind of Social Network

Place-Based Networks are mobile social networks that help you connect with other people based on your shared interest in a place.

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Quiznos and the Old Business Model

The Quiznos near-bankruptcy highlights the dangers of the old model for running business networks: one that uses outsourcing of value creation in an exploitive fashion.

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When Personal Brands and Corporate Brands Collide

Whose Tweet is It Anyway

Individual people are the connective tissue that connects organizations to their surroundings. So what happens when those people leave an organization, along with the social network connections they built while at the company?

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Google Tiers Search into the Global, Social and Personal

By connecting Google+ to search, Google is tiering web search into three, very useful, layers: global search, social search and personal search.

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Testing G+ WordPress integration

#gwp Google+: View post on Google+

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Why is Twitter So Mad at Google?

Twitter is mad at Google for connecting Google+ with search - and for commoditizing their service in the process. How this might not be such a bad thing.

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