Author Archives: Gideon Rosenblatt

Gideon Rosenblatt writes about the impact of technology on people, organizations and society at Alchemy of Change. He is a technologist with a background in business and social change. For nine years, Gideon ran Groundwire, a mission-driven technology consulting group, dedicated to building a more sustainable world. Prior to that, he spent ten years at Microsoft in various marketing, product development and management positions, where he developed CarPoint, one of the world's first large-scale e-commerce websites. Gideon was raised in Utah, lived and worked in Japan and China for several years, and now lives in Seattle with his wife and two boys. More details on Gideon here.

The Stink of Boredom

This last Wednesday and Thursday night I attended two back-to-back talks by Alex Steffen at Town Hall. The guy pulled out all the stops and rocked the house. He terrified me and inspired me – yes, he inspirified me. I tapped notes furiously on my iPhone both nights. It’s hard to pick out one thing to focus on from all ...

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Defining Social CRM: Networking Business Processes

Paul Greenberg has an interesting post in which he puts a stake in the ground in defining Social CRM (sCRM). There’s a lot to take in from that post, but here’s his relatively compact definition: “CRM is a philosophy & a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes & social characteristics, designed to engage the customer ...

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"Transitive Novelty"

Woke up today thinking about novelty.  I had just been dreaming about some novelty store and it got me thinking… Why is it that people care about news from some organizations and not from others? One reason, I’d suggest, relates to an idea I’ll call “transitive novelty.”  The idea is pretty simple. I have some innovation that helps you be ...

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