Alchemy of Change Weekly Links (weekly)

Corporation 20/20 – Designing for Social Purpose

What is the core purpose of the corporation? How should it be designed to seamlessly blend sustainability  into its design, ownership, governance, strategy and practices? Corporation 20/20 is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to answer these questions. Its goal is to develop and disseminate a vision, pathway for the 21st century corporation in which social purpose moves from the periphery to the heart of the organization.  Such transformation is indispensable to a Great Transition toward a just and livable world.
tags: AOC corporation sustainability organization purpose stakeholders book


The Secret to Virgin America’s Social Business Success (an Infographic Comparison)

“Social Business is about using the data — social media monitoring data — to make mission critical decisions. What Virgin is doing is listening and integrating that feedback back into their company. Consider a company that does listen and respond. Consider their competitors that are not. Maybe it won’t make a difference today, but look forward 2, 5, or 10 years. Companies that don’t understand how vital real-time social media data is to running their business, I predict, just won’t exist.”
tags: book AOC social satisfaction


Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world – physics-math – 19 October 2011 – New Scientist

An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York’s Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere. When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly knit companies – all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity – that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network.

Concentration of power is not good or bad in itself, says the Zurich team, but the core’s tight interconnections could be. As the world learned in 2008, such networks are unstable. “If one [company] suffers distress,” says Glattfelder, “this propagates.” One thing won’t chime with some of the protesters’ claims: the super-entity is unlikely to be the intentional result of a conspiracy to rule the world. “Such structures are common in nature,” says Sugihara.
tags: AOC corporation finance networks business wealth power book


The Naive Search For Anachronistic Progress | OnTheSpiral

The great benefit of the current trend towards smallness is that the means of production are finally available to everyone.  No one needs permission or sponsorship from an employer to contribute something useful or to discover intrinsic meaning.  To refuse to acknowledge that as real progress is to actively choose blinders for the sake of sentimental biases…
tags: AOC scale organization size purpose autonomy economy

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.